Love | 24 x 36 | Original Acrylic Painting


Fall in love with the captivating dance of color and texture in this contemporary abstract masterpiece. "Love" explores the delicate balance between vibrant saturation and subtle contrasts, guiding your eyes on a playful journey across the canvas. Pops of neon add a touch of modern edge without overwhelming the composition.


  • Original acrylic on canvas, with touches of airbrush and spray paint for added depth.
  • 24" x 36" x 1.5" – Perfectly sized to add a touch of sophisticated energy to your space.
  • One-of-a-kind artwork for collectors who appreciate a fresh, modern take on abstract expression.

The Story:

Inspired by a desire to push boundaries within my signature style, "Love" marks a thrilling new direction. This piece sparks joy and invites you to discover new details with every glance. A perfect addition to a contemporary home that values artistic playfulness.